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(1 edit)

I've got a strange bug, the whole time I've been attempting to get the home harem accomplished and now Sasha is invisible, like right now if i can go into her bedroom and there she is sleeping, but if I leave the bedroom it doesn't show her there, same goes for everywhere else, the cheat menu that I activated just to get a better understanding of things now shows her at a location, but when I go there she is invisible with zero interaction options with her. 
I reloaded the game and same thing, nothing I can do to make her visible to interact with her.

I'll keep the save incase you want me to send it to you somewhere.

It's likely bc she is recovering from her boobjob, I had the same thing happen

OH? Well that would be really good news... I'll keep playing it out then, thanks a lot. I'll let ya know if she comes back.

YEEEPPPP!!! and WOW... I'm so glad and appreciative of your replay with this, I had pretty much abandoned that save and was tinkering with a new one with not a lot of heart in it. This is awesome. Thank you.

np I've played through most of the game a few times and decided to rebuy it on mobile recently and found these comments