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(3 edits) (+1)

Amazing game with a very unique premise and fun gameplay. It's breathtaking  what your team was able to do in just one weekend. The word sharing feature is just icing on the cake. 

I hate to beat a dead horse, but my biggest critique is how cerTain leTTers can be a bit Tedious to creaTe. I spent a fair bit of time trying to find out how to create T. When I finally managed to get it, I had kinda lost my mojo for the day. In hindsight, the answer is obvious and I don't know how it took me so long, but it's deceptively difficult from a beginner's perspective.  I understand why you wanted to keep most letters solutions up to the players to find as that's where the fun is, but a bit more handholding might've helped. I want to try and create more letters though so I'll definitely play some more tomorrow.

From your responses to comments though, it seems like if/when your team updates this game, a lot of these issues will be fixed. I haven't played a single game this jam that hasn't had some sort of noticeable flaw so I really hope you guys aren't hitting yourselves too hard over a simple oversight

Your team has done an extraordinary job and I can tell you all gave it your all and then some. I can't wait to see what you might add to it in the future.