Profound game!
I would say that the beginning of the game attracted more attention to me, I won't spoil for anyone, but the start of the game is pure gold, it's like a well-made movie. The script and dialogue is hyperrealist.
Gameplay is really simple. I think the engine used in this game is really neat and easy. Although, yes, couple of little tiny sound bugs, but it's all good. Environments are good, character to object interactions are decent and I was really surprised how much interaction is in the game, really makes it entertaining.
Now, I have not talked about the theme or Mr.Kravin aspect of the games in the previous reviews. I played all the games and while all of them were really good, not many had the theme interpreted in a way, which this game does. Plus, that "Mr.Kravin" aspect is so on point, from the start, it's just really well merged with the story.
In conclusion, awesome entry, super amazing!