This is a really cool idea but I think it needs a bit more time to refine. I have a few notes you might consider for a post jam build, if you choose to do one:
- I think you throw too much at the player at once. You go from introducing the central mechanic, to introducing the angle-locking platforms (which is a neat idea btw!). But the next part was a skill check that depended on your knowledge of the difference between a black wall and a red walls, and required you to reason about controlling two robots at once accomplishing disparate tasks.
- It's unclear (to me at least) what direction a robot is facing when I'm not controlling it. Maybe the face should have a distinct shape that's clearly visible from all angles?
- (A bit more niche): the screenshots look a lot better (in terms of the screen layout) than it did when I played. I'm on a 4K screen so that probably had something to do with it. Unity lets you test in different resolutions in the editor so this seems like something that you could look into.
- Tiny nit: "Escape" is an odd choice of button to proceed from the main menu
I hope that's helpful!