A really creative idea, well done! The concept was really unique and it made for some interesting challenges in the gameplay. Having to try and balance the ghosts who were following you and trying not to shoot at them made for some good challenge, and I liked how you could move against walls with them to separate them apart, and move your mouse around to aim their shots while keeping yours the same. It could've been explained a bit clearer though - I didn't realise that your friends pointed away from your cursor until about halfway in - and it also felt a little unfair when you had so many friends and no way to avoid shooting one. I did really enjoy the artstyle, and the way each ghost was colour coded, which helped to make things visually distinct. The environment was interesting too, and I liked the fact that you could go outside to the graveyard - it was a little thing, but it added some really nice variety. The UI felt a little dry to me, though that might just be because I'm so used to seeing the default Unity buttons. The music was fitting as well, exactly what I'd expect for a gloomy ghost's party! A few more sound effects might've given more feedback to the player, though, but it was still fine without. An enjoyable little game, nice work!