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Really cool game! I like the "move together" mechanic.

Some notes: The puzzle solutions were more challenging to execute than they were to figure out. That can get frustrating sometimes. For the last level, in order to get all the timings just right, I spam-crashed into the wall to slow my descent. Maybe consider adding a slowdown mechanic so people can take a second to breath.

Some other small nitpicks: visually, the two robots clipped each other when occupying the same space in inconsistent ways. Sometimes they showed as half and half, sometimes one dominated the other. Also, it would be nice to have a way to retry a level without dying, having instructions written out somewhere, being able to use the keyboard to go to the next level (the mouse isn't used for anything else, so why use it at all?).

All this is aside from the fact that I really enjoyed playing this game! The mechanics felt smooth and once I knew the controls, all the behavior was intuitive. I loved that you made me use the timing on the different jumps. Really clever! Great job, I'd definitely play more levels if you had some!