Very nice. I think the two entities (skull and body) working together is neat. It definitely has a classic yet unique feel to the game. Having the barrels and the locked doors is a good change up. I also think the subtle movement of the head animation to the body is a nice touch. The rooms do feel a bit...empty though. The lack of music in game adds to the emptiness. I played about 5 or 6 levels in. I found the wisecracks to be fun. The hardest part overall was the controls. I didn't know I could use Z and X for picking up/putting down. I went systematically through the keys to figure it out. Also, in the beginning, he says "Hey keep moving right" but I didn't know what buttons were the move buttons (wasd or arrows) and the skull doesn't move and the body is out of sight. So I for the first minute or two didn't know I was doing anything. I thought the game was stuck until eventually the body waltzed in. Some footsteps will help with that, I think. And a brief tutorial on controls could be good too. Nothing too explicit. Natural delivery through dialogue is fine.