Ok, you said "there's the distant signal with a yellow arm" I have to see (have you got a screenshot ?). For the AWS have we enough time to stop if we have to before reaching the signal ? I see the AWS system with the ring when it's clear but I didn't have a red yet ;)
But between 2 speed limitations, have we got something that tells us that the next panel will be for example 25 mph/h ? because if we don't know when we arrive to the signal it's too late to brake and do not exceed speed limit.
Edit : About evaluations. I think that the evaluation and the exceeded target speed (I don't remember how you call this line in this evaluation), should not consider when I break or not. It seems that this line considers the fact that the train has not the target speed when we accelerate or brake, it should not. It should only consider if we have exceeded the line speed whatever when we brake or accelerate. In add, you have already an other line on the evaluation that says if we accelerate or break too much. I can brake at the right time, but not exactly when the game would want me to but it doesn't mean that I don't respect the line speed...I think some adjustments should be done there :)
(sorry for my english).