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This is a really clever idea and as others have mentioned that music is super catchy, it's both relaxing and engaging at the same time, the whole presentation of the game is really great. I'd say definitely being able to drop down through platforms would make a huge difference in how the game feels, as well as perhaps a double jump or dash ability, giving the player a little bit more of an edge in movement and ability to avoid damage as they are often outnumbered and outgunned. Another idea is perhaps you swap weapons with the enemy instead of just copying it, it would still leave them a threat, but, give you the advantage and potentially add a bit of a strategic option of which enemy to single out first. Anyway, a fantastic entry to the jam! Great job!

Hey there! This is amazing feedback! I'm glad you enjoyed your time playing

I must applaud you for your observations - we actually planned on adding dashes and other abilities like double-jump when coming up with the idea, but we had to cut a lot of those corners because of time. Our initial idea was that enemies could come equipped with both a weapon and some sort of powerup or ability, and you would get a copy of both (so you can imagine you would be really scouting for enemies that have cool loadouts, and that way you could be looking at a lot of sick combinations - picture having flight and a shotgun xD).

Though having those skills innate to the player does also sound like a cool concept - while discussing the future of the game, we though it could be a cool idea to add some sort of powerup system that lets you start each run with different abilities, so your suggestion highly resonates with that, and having the ability to swap weapons instead of just copying could be one of those bonus effects. Cool idea!

Again, thanks for playing and for the detailed feedback! If we do end up releasing a more developed version of the game, we hope you get to enjoy it again!