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I don't particularly mind that you didn't stick to the literal sense of the theme, it was cool that you took kind of a way around, and the game does look cool visually, and functionally it works very well, feels good to control and the space between everything is alright, but the dificulty feels very artificial, nothing is faster or stronger, it's just more and more of them, which in it of itself is not really a problem, but the boss is static and that load of minions go in between him and you, and you have no real way of positioning so they aren't, you just gotta blast through, and it starts to feel like a "spam the button to win". My suggestion would be either leting the player move around more so we could go around minions or make the boss move sometimes too, so it's not too cluttered around him. All in all a solid and fun entry, i did like it when i was playing, very well done, congrats!


Thanks for the detailed feedback. it just encourages me to make this game better.