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*Deep inhale* Okay, so.... I gotta be honest, I'm actually more disappointed with this update than anything... Not to say the overall quality of the writing isn't up to the usual quality or anything, cuz it absolutely is; no, I'm disappointed with the use of the whole "Person A says something; person B overhears part of it an misunderstands" trope, because I honestly thought this VN was above using that trope.

Obviously, I don't like that trope- like, really, really don't like it. It's only ever used as a cheep, low-effort way of bringing more drama into a story, it's literally never executed right, and even when it is executed in a decent way it's still awful to sit through because it's so overused! Further, the thing overheard is almost always something that didn't need to be said in the first place because both parties clearly already knew what was said, and it's always phrased in a way that no one would phrase it in real life for the sake of making it be easily misconstrued in-universe, and the characters involved always make the situation infinitely more complicated than it needs to be and end up making everyone involved look like assholes!

Seriously, the secret that Tai is keeping about Spencer and the fact that he used to date Spencer do not need to be mutually inclusive pieces of information; Tai is absolutely smart enough to know he could tell his boyfriend - who, by Tai's own admission, is the most important person in his life - the parts of the story that don't directly relate to Spencer's secret.

And speaking of Tai's boyfriend, this update makes MC out to be an absolute douchebag! Frankly, based on MC's behavior in this update, I'd even go so far as to say that Tai dodged a fucking bullet! There is a limit to what behavior can be justified in this situation and MC definitely crosses it; there is nothing that can be said or done that can reasonably justify or redeem MC's behavior, there just isn't.

There are better ways of doing this sort of thing than the way it's done here...

If you absolutely need to include this type of plot device, then there are better ways of handling this. My recommendations would be to:

1) extend the convo between Spencer and Tai to include more information about what's really going on, then handle it like Diego and Kyrex's convo at the end of Diego's route; that is, we - the player - don't know any more about the full convo than MC until after someone actually explains the convo to them. This would both make the convo less stilted and awkward because Spencer and Tai wouldn't be talking in super vague terms like they know someone (e.g. the player) is listening in and engage us in a similar way as the MC, making us wonder what actually happened in Tai's office.

and b) show more deliberation and hesitation in MC's actions in the days after the breakup; nothing huge, just more moments where MC stops - and I mean really stops - to wonder why he's not more heartbroken and why he's suddenly acting the way he is. Or full stop have MC's inner monologue be acknowledging of the fact that MC is basically exaggerating his horniness to such an extreme as a way to try and get over Tai faster - now that would really sell what I'm hoping you were actually going for. The way it's presented now, however, MC is just a huge douchebag, as mentioned before; if this is how we can expect him to act whenever there's some kind of relationship trouble in the future, I'd say Tai's better off without him.

Being able to empathize with the characters is absolutely essential to a story like this and when your main character is presented to basically turn into this massive douchelord, we lose the ability to feel sorry or empathize with them and our image of them as a person is pretty much gonna stay tarnished from then on.

Alright, since I'm pretty sure this is already my longest reaction to an update so far and it's just paragraph after paragraph of ranting, I'm gonna wrap this up here before I rile myself up again and leave off with this: up until now, I've absolutely adored this VN and it's a real shame to see it take this path when everything else has been so strong so far. It's fine if you wanna include some drama surrounding Tai and Spencer's past and all the secrecy about Spencer in general, but there are more effective ways of going about it than using such a cheep and overdone trope.

Anyways, keep at it! I'll be looking forward to the coming updates. I've always been adamant about people writing the stories they want to write, I just ask that this be considered some food for thought, as it were.

(also I'm really sorry for the huge rant; I have strong opinions and just no way of sharing them concisely...) :(



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Totally agree with that, but I think it also shows that protagonist isn't as good or ideal person as everyone thinks, so it's a plus for me in some way (sorry if I didn't write it correctly)


My main issue is that MC's entire way of thinking has done a complete 180 over night; he's gone from a generally nice, moral, well meaning person to a literal sociopath in a ridiculously short amount of time. Behavior in-and-of itself is subjective and can shift radically on a whim, but the thoughts behind that behavior are another thing entirely; the way a person thinks takes time to change, and we've had a front-row seat to the way MC thinks for a route and a half by now. It'd be one thing if he was fully aware of his behavior and acknowledged it for what it is, but he isn't and doesn't, which is the crux of the - or rather, this - issue. Unless the behavior is qualified in real-time in MC's thoughts as his way of acting out and distancing himself from his feelings for Tai (e.g. "Tai clearly didn't care about me so I won't care about him" or "I'll just get with someone else and forget all about Tai"), there's no way to retroactively justify the way he's acting while in the first-person perspective.

Not even to mention the fact that we, the player, were showed the entire conversation between Tai and Spencer, which only served to justify the way Tai responds to MC's confrontation and further cementing in our heads how douchebag-ish MC is acting, as we have the full context. It would have been better to leave us in the dark about the full context of the conversation and, instead of Tai's unnecessary confession, leave the conversation off on a vague and suspicious note, something open to interpretation that could reasonably leave MC with some doubts; this, paired with the ring Tai was - by MC's perspective - suddenly waring around his neck and his blatant refusal to share any information regarding his past with Spencer, would bubble over into the situation we now find ourselves in. The way everything is executed now is just cheep and for the sake of setting up a dramatic act 2 climax, and the story pretends that there will be no way to reconcile between Tai and MC as though we didn't set out to play Tai's route in the first place; it's a series of terrible tropes that stick out like sore thumbs in an otherwise well-done story.

Consistency is key with characters in this kind of medium, and conveying a person as flawed is not the same as turning them into a manipulative sociopath when they've showed no tendencies towards such behavior before. The way MC is thinking right now completely flies in the face of almost every conversation he has with Tai in Diego's route; we have the perception of MC that we do because we've already been through an entire route in his head.