Hi! I don't know if you still read these comments, but I hope you do since I'm playing this game right now (and loving it!). I reached ending 6 yesterday (trying to romance Arantis, but ending up with Xander), and decided again to try and romance Arantis today. The thing is, I'm pretty sure I'm choosing most of the right options, and on the balcony scene with Oriana, when she asks you if you want to know what one of the men feels, she says that Arantis has feelings for the MC, and everything seems to be pointing in that direction. Then, after stealing the key in the tavern and having a chance to check in with one of the potential love interests, Arantis just tells MC that "she is a great apprentice" and MC confirms that he has no feelings for her. I'm just wondering what I'm doing wrong? I did choose to spend time with Osario at one point instead of Arantis, maybe that's why? Although that was a while ago... Anyway, I would be grateful for a response :)
Well, Arantis IS a hard one to get. :) Try changing a little your conversations with him and see how he reacts. You could also use Haruka Nami’s detailed walkthrough of my game – you can find it here (https://harukanami.itch.io/second-chance).