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There's a lot of good ideas in this game, and a lot of decent sex scenes. It'd be nice if they were fully animated but, they aren't bad as is. There is definitely a lot that could be better though. The territory management is simply not fun. Is gold and troop recruitment supposed to be a chance to happen per turn? Because if so it means I spend dozens of turns just clicking the "next turn" button just waiting to get a couple gold pieces. Morale and obedience seem to do nothing but drop even when I build temples and garrisons and put soldiers in the garrisons. There are no turn events (other than raids) that raise these stats. But if you're getting raided by more than one territory, and the next two territories do seem to raid often, I'm also stuck waiting for soldiers while my territories rebel against me. Having things be a higher gold cost while getting a guarantee of gold and troops per turn would make this much better. A gold mine doesn't have to add much, just add 1 gold per turn to the counter. Same for the fort. Having events that raise morale and obedience so that taking soldiers away for war doesn't mean an immediate rebellion would be good too. As for the fighting, I like the idea of the system but there needs to be something more than just a guessing game. Some hint from the pose of the enemy as to what choice they will pick could be a good addition. You could even add in a system where their pose is a lie and they'll go for a different move but, if you pay attention then you can see the lie and know which move they'll go for. All in all I think you've done well with the game. There's just a lot that is incredibly frustrating and is only going to make the experience harder and harder to enjoy as time goes on and enemies get more aggressive/harder. Those are easy fixes though, and I look forward to seeing more from you!


Oh, and a way to keep both Alam and Domia, and interact with both after the mini-quest, would be good too. :P I completely forgot to say: I LOVE the mini-quests! They're a lot of fun and super interesting. I can't think of a thing to add or take away from them that would make them better.


Thanks dude, that's a lot of valuable feedback. Since you obviously invested effort in your comment, I'll also invest some effort in my reply.

1. Fiefdom "yield" (i.e. gold and/or troops) is generated randomly per fiefdom but is affected by morale: higher morale -> higher chances of yield. Maybe I should change it so a fiefdom will always yield something but morale increases the amount. Or maybe not, if I follow your fort/mine suggestions later on.

2. Animations are low priority currently. I focus on what I do good (storytelling) and what I do OK (coding, 3d renders). Since animations are not something I do good it will have a high overhead to learn.

3. As of version 0.2.7 Morale doesn't drop but goes up every turn until it reaches a cap. Going to war drops morale significantly and it slowly goes up again. I'm thinking about adding more tools like Force Yield to help manage other resources. Festivals (pay Gold to increase Morale), Public Hanging (increase Obedience, lose Morale) etc.

4. I'll look into your suggestions regarding gold mine and fort. Currently they increase the yield in a fiefdom once a yield takes place but maybe a small guaranteed yield is better. I'll need to make sure it doesn't break the whole Morale system so maybe half gold/troop per turn so the investment will return in 60 turns.

5. Defeating a raid and conquering a fiefdom raises Obedience. I could increase the bonus gained by such events. I'm not sure I communicate the Obedience increase "loudly" enough currently.

6. RPS combat: one of my biggest communication mistakes is that I don't make it clear enough that opponent attacks are not purely random, i.e 33% for Riposte/Slash/Parry. All your opponents have either a very strong affinity towards one type of attack (the day Ogre has 80% chance to Riposte, for example) and some have fixed attack patterns (the night Ogre will attack exactly 'R','R','R','P','S','R','R','R','P','P'). Having said that, I'm also considering adding a hint system like you mentioned. Maybe starting with telltale battle shouts, as these are easier to implement at first.

7. As for your last point: yeah, I know, writing is my strong point. I've been writing erotica for 20+ years and obviously the miniquests is where I'm at my best. But nevertheless, I think the strategy game is essential to the whole experience and I continue to tweak and improve it until it's fun.

I'm here for the long haul, not to make a quick buck. If you wish to further discuss the game and maybe help with whatever you think you can help with, feel free to join us in Discord or if Discord is not your thing, to mail me at gmail. It's the same user as I use here, small letters.

