Okay, so I finished playing thru ur demo, and I liked it!!
First the art is really nice. It's very detailed, which I like, and all the character designs are discrete. Best of all was even though the dominant colors are shades of grey, there are muted, pops of color, one color for each character--Pink for Alix, Green for Max, Purple for Cari, Red for Raxx, Yellow-Orange for Stainra, and Orange for Lorr!!! I really liked that. Greyness can get a bit boring after a while, but the little color really stands out and makes it that much better.
I enjoyed the writing--it was fun to read and engaging. I felt it was more noir-y in the beginning, and I could pick out the writer's "voice" better as the story went on! I enjoyed the characters X3
Will there be like a debating section or an investigation section? Or like more novelesque but with a lot of choices? :o I was just a bit confused, since it seems to me the story is progressing quickly!
Anyways, I enjoyed it and look forward to the full thing! Good job on ur demo hehe :3