OK, I'm going to come across as a little negative, but before I do, I just want to say two things:
One: I did not beat the game yet... I quit out of frustration.
Two: I never found the pistol
Three: This is still the best game out of the entire jam I played so far.
OK that was actually three things. Moving on...
It really does feel like it some care went into the atmosphere, presentation and I think that is a great thing. Very good camera work! That shot of the first monster in the game, very well done. You make choices like a film director. (I should know, I went to Art school)
My main problem I think is that the game does feel a little weightless and lacks a lot of polish. There were a lot of times I died because I could not see my character on screen because I didn't step into the camera zones, and I got stuck on a ledge right before I entered the giant room filled with a bunch of vats. After that I thought, "You know what, I'm done."
You need more audio. The visual department helped with the atmosphere for sure, but it's really the audio that brings everything together. Focus more on ambiance next time.
The transformation theme didn't come across as entirely original, but its there.
That is all. Peace.