Hi gladgib!
Oh wow, such detailed and extensive feedback! Since we are definitely moving this game forward, feedback like this is invaluable. I am treating it as an extended playtesting period, and comments like yours really will help in the future. I will be revisiting this as we move forward for sure!
I agree with the majority of your critiques.
- The sliding is straight up wrong, and that is a result of me forcing it into the game at much to late a stage just for some style points. I am deeply regretful!
- I really like forcing the player to run back and forth to their block to get the powerups!
- In my experience playtesting (which was limited), I never seemed to have a problem jumping and swinging. I 100% agree that the mechanic needs to be perfect, and when I return to recode the combat system I will give it a deep and wholistic review. Probably has something to do with input priority.
- I chose "E" for the slide (although it is wrong in my "How To Play") because in other WASD games, E is jump or interact, so I figured players would be familiar with it. I am glad you pointed out how cumbersome it can be. I honestly think this game will work best on a gamepad. I think we will go the Dark Souls route and say "Sure, you can play it with a keyboard, but it won't be fun!"
- Sliding does reduce your hitbox size. Again, I only included it because it felt interesting but I agree it doesn't add much to the experience. In future iterations I will either really fix it up or scrap it!
Thanks again for all this feedback. I am going to put everyone's feedback in a discord text channel and meticulously go through and address each concern as we move forward. This is endlessly helpful and I really appreciate the time you took to review our game. Thanks again!
Brandon from TheIndieDream