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Ah, that makes sense.
Well, I'm not Arc but if I had to guess those were leftover.

I mean, the game has been in development for 2 years (not counting the time spent before the first public release).
And considering it's just one guy working on it, it wouldn't surprise me if he changed his mind about some stuff along the way.
Perhaps in the initial concept Control was going to be the one and only power, and each level would unlock more interactions as you keep progressing (sort of like Lily).

Some of the early stuff needs a bit of a polish if I'm honest, there's a certain dissonance between act 1 and act 2. 
Or early act 2 and current act 2 for that matter.

It's just that, with thousands of folks waiting for new content each week, a "polishing update" might not be the best idea just yet.

Oh no no, I'm not saying it has to be fixed now or anything! I adore the game. I was more just pointing it out, I would never demand such a thing. I know how hard it can be to make something like this with a small team, let alone just yourself.