Cool game, really creative art direction.
However, the mechanics could use a bit of polishing:
- It shouldn’t be possible to enter the level end portal without picking up your loose parts, if you happen to be on top of where it spawns when you kill the last enemy you’re screwed
- The colliders of the dice should be the size of the base of the die rather then the size of the entire silhouette – currently you get stuck between the dice way too easily because the colliders are unintuitive
- Shots have a tendency to fall short of your target. I’m not sure if they have a maximum range or if they drop from the air exactly where you click but it’s a bit annoying
- I feel like the slow down for having more health makes moving around a bit too annoying as well, and I’m not sure it’s a meaningful trade-off or not. I’m not sure what to suggest as an improvement…
Overall, it’s a cool way to make art for a game, and it’s only the second game I’ve seen so far in this jam (out of a few dozen) with a similar approach and the two are completely different. So there’s definitely some freshness in the presentation.