First Impression Video (German):
Aktuell in der ersten Alpha. Mehr ein Proof of Concept, verspricht aber schon jetzt kurze intensive Taktik-Schlachten gegen Freunde.
- selbsterklärendes Gameplay
- kurze, spannende Runden (aktuell nur gegen Freunde am gleichen PC)
- nur eine Karte und 3 Gebäudetypen
- kein Online-Multiplayer oder KI-Gegner
Right now in it's first Alpha. More a Proof of Concept than anything else, but already very promising with intense Tactic-Battles against friends.
- gameplay explains itself
- short, intense Rounds (2 players only - same PC)
- only one map and 3 building-types
- no online-multiplayer nor KI-enemies
Wishlist for the Developer:
- more buildings (maybe a Loadout-System with picking 3 buildings for each battle)
- inverted colors mode / "dark mode"
- Tablet/Smartphone Version (I feel like sitting on an iPad Pro, face to face with a friend could be a lot of fun and chaos)
Looking forward for more content! :)