(I thought I'd just say it like it is, rather then buttering myself up too much, and have us experience problems later.)
Hi, I've done quite a bit of live-streaming on twitch, and I've watched quite a few podcasts and get the idea behind them, and I have gotten compliments about having a radio announcer's voice because of it, and I love engaging an audience and talking to them (when appropriate). I've done some actual public speaking here and there, so talking to a lot of random people isn't new to me, in fact I'm quite comfortable, especially since it would only be through an online screen in this case.
I have quite a few opinions on gaming and have been wanting to become a critic of some sort. Podcasting interests me greatly, and I was looking for a way to break into it.
However, a few downsides for me might include the fact that I'm new to itch.io and thus so far have been playing mostly "tradionally published" games. Or the fact I can get busy and not always play any game a particular week, or perhaps only one game that I get really into for weeks and nothing else.
It also sounded like your looking for dev interviews most of the time, and well.....even outside of itch.io, I'm no developer, just a particularly interested games consumer who's vocal on occaison, really.
Scheduling could pose a problem, I'd try my best, but there's no guarantee something won't throw a curve ball at my life and make me unavailable at particular times.
Ultimately, unless we flexed schedules each week, I'd likely only work as a guest......or at best a recurring guest.
I do have a few questions about this, would it be pre-recorded, or done with an audience willing to listen live at the same time while it was recorded?
Would veiwer emails/questions be considered on the podcast?
Or are a lot of these details still being figured out?
If I email you, it'll be from chillinchum@gmail.com
Just to let you know.