Really cool take on the retro racer game.
Things that I really liked:
- The presentation of the game is phenomenal. Everything is on brand with that "vaporwave"/90's retro low poly look. And it works really well for the game.
- The control scheme is great. We (the gamers lol), have been conditioned through years of playing games to build a fluidity in using the WASD keys and the mouse together. This game leverages that precognition allowing you to easily build an understanding of the control scheme.
- The game slows down the speed of the two crafts when apart, and speeds up, when combined. This is great for 2 reasons. One, its harder to control two moving vehicles at the same time, than it is controlling only one. At the same time, it makes sense in-world. When the two crafts join together, they use their "added" propulsion together, thus making the green craft faster (Also, really cool that a blue and yellow vehicle combine together to make a green one).
Things that could use some tweaking:
- The combination of the two crafts should be almost instant. A game should never feel like it is the reason that the player failed to do something. Failure should always feel like its a product of a decision the player made. When the player makes the decision to "combine" and still dies, it feels like the game is cheating them out of their decision. When the game requires the player to make split second decisions, and then doesnt act on those decisions immediately itself; to the player, it feels like they made the right choice, but the game decided to act too slowly to resolve their choice.
- MORE BLOOM. I love the look of the game so much, that I want more of it. Everything should be bloomy to an extent. The ships should have glowing strips. The rings should be pretty much all light (yellow is pretty good, but blue and green need MORE).
- Some more post processing? Things like scan lines?
- A little more "juice" when collecting rings? This could even be achieved by just putting in a looooot more rings. Because it "feels good" to collect a lot of things!