of course a bit frustrating, of course the music is a bit repetetive but its part of the core experience !
Like it:) No way to have a file compatible with Recalbox? (raspberry)
tks for the reply. Don't thinks recalbox can run linux build without adapting. TwisterOS or raspian for the rasperry maybe Because I'm working on a theme (Mukashi) for the rapsperry system called recalbox I noticed recently the devs of recalbox included the system tic 80 that i just discovered. It is based on a libreto core but what bugs me is that extension should be
.fd .sap .k7 .m7 .rom
but most of the time I found.tic extension... that sounds more logic to me !
Just a guess, but TIC-80 projects all have the extension .tic, while the more common extensions are only .rom and the others you mentioned. The binary and web files are exports, while the .tic files are the games' "source code", more or less. So that should be the reason why it uses .tic as the extension :)
I would suggest you to visit https://tic80.com/play to find other TIC-80 games and their .tic files as well. That should work I think! Also, you can find my games there as well!