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(1 edit)

So, the secret is not to bump into the border, but it seemed once I sort of understood the controls it swapped directions and very quickly I was bouncing all over the place and died.

First time I selected gamepad controls and for some reason it never detected when I died. Particles just kept popping up, colliding to join or hit a charge to dissolve again. Only that I was out of the picture and not collecting any points either...

(I played the Linux version with a PS3 controller and then keyboard...)

Also, it seemed the menu didn't work with the controller. It would be useful to have that as well...

I really do love the concept!

ugh. I’m sorry you had all those issues. Unfortunately  I don’t have a Linux machine so I couldn’t test on the OS. I’ll see what I can do in the future to make sure this doesn’t happen.

Reading the instructions on the game's web-page again, it seems like I missed a number of input options. Maybe then it's no wonder it was hard to make progress... Like "Left Trigger - Brake"... That's what I kind of missed and slowing down by accelerating into the opposite direction is really tough once thing deteriorate to "twitch reflex speed".

One thing that irritates me is that the right thumbstick is for movement and the left one for aiming. Also, when you let go the direction snaps back to its origin.

The best results I got was when I managed to kind of cage in one atom in the lower right corner and feed it with a stream of protons and neutrons while shielding it against other atoms bumping into it and throwing it out of its position (either into me so I would absorb it and score or whacking it all over the field so I would have to catch it before it bumped into too many other things and possibly be split down or otherwise obliterated.

Sometimes there is some kind of explosion where an atom seems to appear and immediately gets destroyed throwing out a whole bunch of protons around. And at least once I had a sudden spark of energy particles (the yellow tiny ones) going wild.

In one play-through I gott pulled into such an energy spark and the border fields suddenly sort of caged me in, I couldn't move anymore and apparently the game continued although I couldn't see any of it, just get some sound effects and scoring once in a while. In another game I was suddenly teleported (I think it was one of those proton explosion that kind of grabbed me) and then I couldn't move anymore as well...

The biggest things I managed to get were Phosphor, Sulfur, Magnesium, and some more around that range...