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Exactly how do I get the Patreon Coin for Snow White? I've spent hours just reloading quick saves on the drone trying to find it and never had any luck.

Which one?  The majority, save for the one Tinkerbell gives you toward the end of the wishing well arc, are found in treasure boxes in the the large areas of the drone search, nominally during that portion of the story.  There are one or two that you buy from Emee, but most are in the treasure boxes, and if I remember correctly the patreon one is actually the one that Tink gives you... at some point.  I think you have to repair it somehow.

It's been awhile since I've played through the game, so I don't fully recollect.


I have every coin except the Patreon one, and I'm holding off on the Crown Coin until I get and use the Patreon one.