1. 0.5.5e
2. Win7 64bit
3. broken Daily Report
4. startet new game but unfortunately the report is still broken if I put a demon or slime somewhere else in the mansion than the jail.
the error show´s:
SCRIPT ERROR: person.count luxury: Invalid get index 'I41' (on base: 'Dictionary').
At: res://globals.gdc:1180
SCRIPT ERROR: _on_end_pressed: Invalid get index 'luxury' (on base: 'Nil'').
At: res://files/scripts/Mansion.gdc:791
Edit: I tested some more. Maybe my first thought was correct, it seems that "phantom" gear is responsible for the the broken daily report. example: a nereid with missing gear screen (this one with the grey char pic and equip slots) leads to a broken daily report if the slave isnt inside the jail. A other nereid with functional gear screen dosnt lead to this bug. Unfortunately I got not a single demon or slime with working gear screen to test furter (only offspring). In my game (fresh startet with 0.5.5e) all arachna, demon, slime, lamia, harpy and partially some other races (goblin) wich I captured in the lands have a missing or broken gear screen and placed inside a mansion room (not Jail) gives the broken daily report. But in total -> missing gear screen -> broken daily report if inside a mansion room. I also found out that I can place or replace some gear on them (even if I´m not seeing it), EXEPT weapons. No matter if they are in jail or a mansion room. On the other hand, offspring of those "broken" slaves (tested with demons) works fine, functional gear screen and no broken daily report.
I hope this helps.