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Heya - I recorded my experience playing your game. You can watch (if you'd like to) on Youtube.


Thanks for playing it, I haven't watched it all as I don't have an hour at the moment though I apologize for the menu problems. I should have had an exit menu prompt for if you were switching weapons even if it was same weapon.

I got some time and yes the interface could use a lot more work. The main problem is that I wanted to use a low input key count and didn't want sub menu hell though my solution takes getting used to, also the Z and X keys when not in a menu active manual targeting for your main and sub weapon when you fell into a few times without noticing. Should have made the sub screen instead of having it all on the side.

One other thing was an assumption you gained that you could dodge and attack all monsters, this isn't true though there are quite a few you can do this with. I wanted lower level monsters to train the player on the mechanics and not kill them. Now you can avoid all monster attacks within reason and not getting stuck in the wrong place at the wrong time but you can't get free hits on all of them. Late game combat is a lot of weighing how much you stand to gain from fighting a monster as you will lose HP.

One thing that is painfully missing is item descriptions which I didn't even think of how to show them, in my head they were self explanatory. Each weapon has a mechanic behind it besides short sword and regular sword. Hammer knocks stuff back, axe has a sweep, and spear has reach of two spaces(you attributed a reach kill to another zombie at one point).

I am quite happy you compared it to rogue, I very much used it as a source of inspiration for this 7drl as I tend to do more wacky and differnt ideas. The 26 floors and 26 (+ an &) enemies were the basis for how this game was going to work.

Since you went through this I'll attempt to make a post 7drl verison that adds an ini file to allow for upscaled screen resolution and include a few alternative fonts selections, the system is just a dwarf fortress png that I made while looking at final fantasy font set. I will attempt to make a better inventory system and release it as a post 7drl version at some point.

Thank you for giving this a play through, was very happy to hear it called a success, and that you put almost an hour into this.