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Sorry - exception starting game:

* Yikes!(Human, Cloaked Dancer)         *
Unhandled Exception: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
   at RLGame.PlayerStatsPanel.Draw() in D:\Workspace\C#\RLGame18\GameFiles\Panel\PlayerStatsPanel.cs:line 28
   at RLGame.RLGame2018.Draw() in D:\Workspace\C#\RLGame18\GameFiles\7DRL18.cs:line 434
   at RLGame.RLGame2018.Game() in D:\Workspace\C#\RLGame18\GameFiles\7DRL18.cs:line 127
   at RLGame.RLGame2018Launcher.Main(String[] args) in D:\Workspace\C#\RLGame18\GameFiles\7DRL18.cs:line 685

Had other successful runs though

Interesting. Did this happen during the first player creation(after launching the exe) or was it after a win/loss and you were starting over?

Also what version was this? Windows 7/10 x64/x86?