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The game didn't open for me... =/ I guess it didn't help I'm playing using 'wine' on Linux!

Ah! That's a shame. I'll create a Linux build in the morning, but all I can do is hope that that might work (if you're still interested by then)


Sure thing! I try it again!

I just uploaded a Linux Zip file! It did cost me blood, sweat and tears (and about 7 hours of non-stop problem handling) but it ran on my Ubuntu laptop. Do note that I did work on the game post-jam a little before your request, so this version will have shaders implemented, unlike the original release (however, those shaders made the game look strange on my Linux Machine so I doubt this would change your opinion of the game favourably haha). I hope it runs! Let me know if you encounter any problems


Sorry for the inconvenience, I didn't think you'd have so much trouble!

 In the end, I loved the game, audio, and art out of this world! The difficulty curve could be better, but I can see where you invested your time! 

Excellent job! Congratulations!

Thank you for your feedback! And the Linux port was no problem at all, like, yes it did take a while and stuff, but I wanted to learn it anyway (my last port was a disaster, it ran only on one machine) so I'm glad it worked. Btw, did you encounter any graphical glitches when running, by any chance? Or is that just my laptop having not the right setup for gaming on Linux?