Ha ha! - No worries! - I was thinking along the lines of this - eg. in work, we have extensions that can plug into each seamlessly, ie. an extension with say, wire, then sockets, then more wire etc...
So in this (terrible) mock-up, say you had to connect a plug that only stretched to the red dot, and the brown extension (in fact, say all of the connected ones in this pic apart from the circled blue one) or this puzzle would be pointless, ha ha!) was a single element, you could 'cut' or 'cap' the excess, to make the blue one reach easily. Not sure how that would work, and there are other, more workable scenarios, but was just a quick example! :)
Again, if there was water around, say a river running vertically where the cut is indicated, you might not be able to get across, OR pull the extensions back over it without the sockets going in... :) It all sounds nothing like fun, but I'm sure you have ideas to make it fun! :D