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So even after downloading the rar, the .exe file didn’t wasn’t running the game (you made me do an entire virus scan because I got scared lol). I was about to make a video to show you the error, and then it starts to work! What gives?

So… having played your game, well, even before playing, I love the art. Cute, colourful, really vibrant sprites!

The game mechanics are quick fun, with a good use of the theme. Great job! I may have missed it but a visible HUD with health for you and the enemy would be cool. And maybe the bullets can go quicker with time. In any case, I wanted a longer experience :-)

it has quicker with time system but it is slow . By the way thanks .

hey brother I've been offline since a week and when  I come back on my phone what I saw is spam messages through my account I don't know what happened .So sorry brother 

No worries, thanks for reaching out. Please change your password and be careful of what you installed. I’ll get you back in!