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It's does not, but can I ask why you would disable that feature? To make it more kids friendly or? 

I don't personally feel it is too much, but you can try and see for yourself. The game is very cheap, but we also have a free demo, where you can try out one of the levels. 

It's available on Side Quest:

All the best, 

(1 edit)

I have a phobia of blood. Hemophobia, it's called, I think.

Edit: Makes the doctors visit a lot harder. But it's an evolutionary survival mechanism according to evolutionary psychology, I guess.

Alrighty! I will keep you updated if we add the feature to disable or change the blood. But again, if you want to test it out, and see if it could become a problem, you can download the game for free through Side Quest. 

If anything, I would like to thank you for your input and feedback. It didn't cross our minds, so features like that, will be on our minds in the future. It's difficult to make games that please everyone, but we will do our very best!

Played the game. Didn't have too big of a problem with the polygon style blood effects most of the time(it was a bit uncomfortable, but I could put up with it), but some times, there is too much blood and it's a bit more uncomfortable. I think this happens during headshots, but not sure.

Nice of you to give it a go!
Yeah, headshots have a bigger blood amount.