Really love the UI work and the environments feel so alive! The concept is actually insane and honestly, I would love to work on this ( Also thanks for the Tropical Trouble plug hehe) I do however have some comments.
The narrative is very interesting but in the end left me somewhat feeling a "now what" feeling, felt as though there was no conclusion to all the crazy stuff happening.
I can tell this is a very design-based narrative game, but I do wish there was an improvement on the art being lighting and textures, you can get away with a simple scene with some atmosphere added to it. The bug dudes however are incredibly interesting, they seem almost friendly but fit so well with the LSD/psychedelic world attributed in this game.
Some areas are inconsistent, the arcade is rich and full but the bathroom and the inside of the arcade machine has a very interesting dynamic to it but I would like to see some more connections between the environment.
The LSD trip areas are cool, like the floating arcade machines that are see-through is straight-up crazy, but please do push the idea by maybe introducing some fractal art background or some psychedelic rainbow vibe, could really help with that feeling. More colors more lighting, please!
Overall great year 1 game, but a bit of a nitpick for your itch description, avoid talking in a singular form "Oh, and did I mention everyone is an insect?" Who is the reader talking to? It is best to word descriptions in a plural manner "Did WE mention everyone is an insect?" You are a team and is best to present yourselves like that, or in a non-plural suggestive manner "Was it mentioned that everyone is an insect?". Nonetheless, really amazing work guys.