Thank you! I think it is this FORTHRIGHT HONESTY that a lot of us newcomers seek. If someone doesn't explain this, then we think you've done everything in the jam time here, and it is INCREDIBLY discouraging for those who want to make a living off of games and are using the jam as place to build up their self-esteem. "If this person can make this whole game (concept to polished finish) in this amount of time; how will I ever make it in this industry?" Those kinds of dream-crushing thoughts come to mind.
It's kind of like wanting to be a singer, and then seeing someone on X's Got Talent. Are you better than them? Of course not! The difference is night and day. Does that make you not want to be a singer? Not necessarily; however, it may cause you to think that it would be a waste of everyone's (yourself, the network's, audience, etc.) time if you tried to audition for X's Got Talent (~ enter a jam with voting).
Now, if someone says that they started this as their first game one year ago at their first game jam, then maybe, a newcomer will think, "WOW, can I actually BECOME this good after that amount of time too?" It's a much different aura than someone parroting "It's in the rules", because that doesn't imply any understanding of why people might be hurt or even caring that people are hurt. In EVERY SITUATION, even outside of gaming, a hurt person mainly wants to be understood and empathized with more than anything else.
Thank you for considering us all like humans that have hearts and NOT just a robot that must output "the best" to avoid being put out of service.