I have problem with selling shields. When come somebody who need shield and I make it, he don´t take him.
My version: My Little Blacksmith Shop Win 64 Alpha 0.0.9e
My performance: Windows 10, RAM 16GB, Intel core CPU
For an item to be accepted by a customer you must see a notification in the bottom corner of the screen saying "You created (item)"
There's 5 ingots worth of parts for a shield, the boss, the two handles, and the rim
I don't know entirely, but Try not to create a wood piece and/or combine the wood piece and a rim, and then save and reload - at minimum, the wood piece will break and be unusable, and I dunno on the combined rim/wood, Afaik, a fully assembled shield will be fine
Are you not supposed to be able to give any shield?
Then that may be a bug. I constantly gave out shields all willy nilly whenever the opportunity arose to sell a customer a ridiculously high-tier shield even though they were only asking for really low tier.. even been telling people of this possibility, (Not the weapon, The weapon follows what you said and I've been repeating that too, that its can be tier or lower)
You can only give "any tier that is lower" if they're vague
If for instance we look at the pic, and they instead asked for a tin polearm, no extra specification, You can give them any polearm that is tin or copper.
But if they ask for a Tin Polearm with a (something something) small blade and an uncommon grip
They will ONLY accept Tin.
Shields ignore this afaik, at least right now, in 9e
Also I have a few bucks in Paypal if you wanna tell me which choice fits best for that, donate or pay-to-buy, or not Itchio, or whatever.
can't be a patron thing, thou.
Glad you mentioned that. Those customers that ask for a more specific request are considered "Special Customers". What they are asking for needs to be met. You can't give them anything higher or lower or something that is similar. Needs to be exact
Ya shields will get another check on its functions to make sure it's working properly.
If you can't via Patreon then through Itch.io is fine as well. Thank you!