Been playing this the last couple days, it is rather good although this (what I presume is the) final puzzle is kicking my teeth in so far, put probably 90+ minutes into it today and still can't crack it. Hated to have to give up all progress and start said puzzle over later but my brain was properly fried by that point.
I'm writing just to point out one bug, every so often the game basically lags and slows down to basically a standstill for 10-15 seconds before resuming running in the normal fashion. I haven't noticed anything specific that triggers it and it isn't particularly often.
EDIT: Okay I managed to take down that final puzzle, it definitely is a beast. It is a fair puzzle (good one too) but in a fuller game I would recommend having another "ramping up" puzzle or two before it or one like it as it is a bit of a steep increase in what the game asks of you compared to what came before, an extra late game puzzle or two wouldn't make it easier but would perhaps smooth the difficulty curve out a bit so it is less of a sudden jump.