Thank you for your lovely feedback! I really enjoyed reading it and appreciated that you took the time to give me such thorough comments. ^^ I agree with you that the epilogues were a little rushed, sorry about that! I wrote them when I was in a slump and though I did go back and add some things I was never quite happy with them. On the contrary, I'm glad that you saw the hints and ran with them! I never know whether my foreshadowing is enough or too much or too little, so it's nice to get different perspectives on that. I think you're right, I should have put in more foreshadowing for Paris' eye. I think the only bit was in Reaver!Ash's route during the ramen scene, they look at his bands and make a brief comment about feeling guilty.
Ah I'm so happy to hear the tattoo scene was your favorite! I timed it there on purpose, but after the fact I was like is this a little too much, two huge reveals two chapter ends in a row?
You also make a good point about showing more of Rafael's motivation. He's a very... shall I say private person, but I probably could have snuck in more things. There was the scene with him buying the bracelet too small for him, but other than that not much. Rafael being what he is, my goal was to showcase his mindset that he had made his decision and felt that Lorelai was perfectly safe so long as he accomplished his goal, hence why he wasn't preoccupied with it. I definitely could have done that better!
Yay Paris! His route was definitely the steamiest, I had a lot of fun with his scenes >w< It makes me happy to hear that you liked Reaver Ash. I loved doing all the backstories, but I felt that Reaver Ash was the most... different I guess? Because they did have those flaws. It was fun to think about how all the different backgrounds would see things differently. And the Cubi ears, Shika hands, those were particularly fun to play with >w<
Braums is the best king, that cinnamon roll, if I had to pick a favorite it would be him. And Braums is very happy to hear that you don't think he's feminine.
I don't consider myself a musician by any means, so I'm glad to hear the music got a pass.
Thanks again for your lovely comment, and I'm so glad to hear you enjoyed the game!