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So, the question about a release date was last asked here on Itch almost a year ago, and I happened to be checking in on the kickstarter, so I figured I'd let folks know Duggy has marked September 2018 as the estimated delivery time!
So close, yet so far, I know... but I for one am really looking forward to it, and figured I'd leave that little tid-bit for anyone wondering.
Keep up the good work Duggy. Oh, and if you want me to take this comment down, or edit it because that release date's pushed back, just let me know, I totally understand.


Nah, it's cool. September 2018 is the plan.

A lot of work to be done though.

So, how do things look now, dug? been a wile since you posted anything, and I saw the kickstarter didn't meet it's goal. Will you sill meet your late-2018 deadline, or is the project canned? I don't wanna see it go

I set up another Kickstarter which was funded and the game is progressing nicely. We might not make a 2018 release date, but it will come out.

hey man, that's great to hear, I'm happy your work isn't going to waste