Hello! I am having a tough time on this level; https://prnt.sc/16ovxl1 . I don't see any way to beat it? I'm only able to get the heart meter through the door before it closes (The player is not fast enough and i'm not quick enough with the text box, though it seems it's impossible to move the text box through the door anyway). My sword is able to clip through some of the wall but this is useless.
The heart meter is not able to go into the smaller hole from where the enemies are coming from, I can't take damage to make it do so, and trying to block the door results in this silliness; https://prnt.sc/16ow934 (Or sometimes it doesn't but no matter which happens the door is still closed and impassable)
I tried looking through the comments on the jam submission thing, but unfortunately none of those comments were helpful to this specific level at all. If someone could help me out that'd be great, and ether way this game is fantastic! Please do not let my comment deter from the amazing game this is; I've a tendency to find bugs and enjoy doing so!