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Thank you very much! And yes I will have that in a future update. I apologize for the inconvenience.

(1 edit) (+1)

Hey no need to apologize for something that's not precisely broken. Plus it's a free game.
I have no way to buy games from as they don't accept my country's money so i'm very glad to always see free game jam entries like these.

Your prototype was short but definetly lifted me up from a bad day, i just needed exactly 10 minutes of relaxing and you gave me that.
Thank you Fluffymouse

Forgot to mention: Found your game from ManlyBadassHero channel.


Oh yes, I understand and I will be making more games and releasing them as free in the future.

And yes the game is very short, but I'm very happy to hear my game cheered you up!  .

Thank you for your kindness, but don't force yourself to if you prefer to sell them, once you believe the quality is up to it.
Feel free to DM me if you need playtesters tho, i'd do it for free, full feedback included. (on my spare time of course)