"I don't hate you. I hate THEM. Do you know how long I spent in those...those prisons!? Three years. Three goddamn years in those facilities. Do you know the shit they put me through? H-have you ever had blood drawn, vials and vials, everyday until you were passing out, and you were already starved and tired and worn out and you knew you'd just have to do it all again tomorrow...o-or been forced to fight people-people who were just like you-to the point where one of you had to die because that was the only way out-the only way to survive and it was you or them-have you ever lost your identity, your will to live, every single shred of respect you had for yourself until you were just a...a-a goddamn animal-"
He breaks down, trembling, starting to cry as he relives all this, voice getting louder and louder, breaking-