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ohhhhh it's awesome that you're focusing your game on accessibility--esp since you've faced those particular barriers yourself in games. haha i loooove sizing stuff down with "nearest neighbor"/point sampling... if you're looking for other ideas sometimes what i do is run an image through a dithering generator online! it's cool because it can have a pretty neat retro look, especially if i already make the image black and white. i love your take on this theme--i'm excited to see progress on this!

also--jams like these can be exhausting endeavors, but i really encourage jammers who don't have a lot of free time or ability to work for long periods to use the two weeks to figure out what's a sustainable way to make a game. shorter jams can be a bit inaccessible because it's hard to work a lot of hours at once, but i don't think burning out in two weeks is the best idea either, so don't be afraid to go at a pace that works well for you and submit whatever you have at the end of the jam, even if it's just a prototype. you're always free to update it beyond the jam. i'm wishing you luck!!

Thank you!  Honestly, accessibility in games is something I'm really passionate about due to my disabilities and I'm really hoping to make games that are both accessible and challenging. There are so many games out there that I want to play but my reflexes/coordination won't let me. (The latest example is the new Resident Evil game...I can't aim to save my life in shooter games, and in games like Fallout I always do melee combat because it's easier.) I really wish more devs would consider that not all players have the ability to react in a split second or do several things at once in a game, because it keeps me from being able to play games that I really want to play. And it feels like the worst offenders are always either FPS games or platformers. I'd love to play metroidvania-style games but I just know I would get frustrated and end up quitting without finishing a single level due to the difficulty barrier. I can't even complete a level of Mario.