I like new gameplay around being at certain weight a lot, great work!
My thoughts about game improvements, since google form closed:
1. [Movement] Walljumps are counterintuitive, I'm sure it will be much easier to jump off wall with jump button, instead of direction button. With cat lady problem even worse since you have two additional options. For her it's harder to tell what will work best, without testing, but something like "stick to wall" by default, hold jump button for long jump, up direction to climb sound better. With bird lady flight delay feels bad, game becomes not responsive. Also it can be worth a try to test flying by holding jump button or pressing it second time in the air. Mouse lady's ability feels ok, except changing direction after walljump part, but walljump with jump button should fix it aswell.
2. [Level design] Beginning stage with tips and progressive increase in difficulty was awesome, but level with enemies was frustrating for me. I didn't knew about mushroom jumps, since I never saw them before, and first mushroom surrounded with spikes, so I thought it just a background piece. Some parts of map, like jumping from tree to most left looked like secret/collectable place, but it just nothing, so why placing a platform then?
3. [Game design/Enemies] Jumping on enemy not counting, if you touch anything but head, try making "head collider" bigger or even use super mario bros. ninja coding technique, where you killing enemy if your character moving down, without checking what part of enemy you hit :3 Personally I didn't fan of immortal stunned enemies, I was thinking about being able to kill them, if you jump on them while being fat for example.