Nice game, just 1 question: Do I ever get further than the 3rd labyrinth(counting the first one), or waiting is the ending...D: I think I tried enough times and, no progress.
Thank you so much for playing!
Excellent question, so the way it works is it's supposed to be an endless loop. You are trapped there. 3 levels and you get sent to the beginning.
I was planning to add more levels but scrapped the idea in favor of remaking the game in unreal or something to make it more user friendly. Still working on that. Life has sadly gotten in the way alot.
If there's anything you'd like to suggest or would change in No_Title_ please let me know. Critical feedback is immensely helpful.
Well...I'd say make the ending more obvious and/or give more clues about the story and background, more truths. But that'd be much work to do. As for making the game more user friendly, I think adding coordinates may help, like putting sth like (4,3) on the top of the page, letting the player keep track of where they are. Just make the starting point the origin(0,0) and allow minus coordinates like (-2,3). Just suggestions though :)
For sure on the story bits I want to try and give it more body on top of the more obvious ending. Although, it's just a thought but.. how well do you think this game would stand if it didn't have a story? Or maybe had a more bright direction. Just toying with some ideas.
Secondly, your coordinate idea is something i hadn't even thought about. It's simple, and clearly illustrates your place in space in case you get lost. I like it! Maybe I'll fire up twine again this week and try adding that while I work on the remake.
Also, unrelated to your feedback. Just want to thank you again for playing. You absolutely made my day with your comment. It brings me joy to know someone went out of their way to play a silly little game I made for fun over 2 years ago.
Nah, drawing maps was fun anyway,I enjoyed myself playing :D if it doesn't have a story, it'd become...simpler but plainer? nbd I think, if the game isn't focused on story in the first place, but with no story it'd be a short one to play.
A coordinate system was actually the first idea that came up last night when I was thinking about my own Twine game. I plan on making a simple puzzle game to test some features in Twine, went finding ideas in other Twine games, and bumped into this one :) It's just that, when I was playing the game, sometimes a button slips and I end up on the wrong tile, only realizing it when banging on the wall, then I thought 'if only there was a way to know if I missed a move or not' here I am xD