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I like this concept a lot.  I feel like, with some bugs fixed, I would keep playing this and eventually work out some strategies.  [Bugs: in my first playthrough, after exiting the map view, the closeup view was only a beige field (no sand, no cactus, etc.) and I either couldn't move, or could move infinitely in all directions (with no terrain to scroll, I couldn't tell which).  Second time, I became unable to move and a red group was just pushing me around, with me unable to influence them.]  I thought it would be to easy if you can control both sides - but no, it's quite challenging to juggle all of these forces, and the game was pretty fun until bugs kept me from playing.  I hope you get a chance to develop this idea further someday.

Maybe in the future i can make another game with this concept. That was my first jam and that game idea was hard to make in 72 hours alone so that was kinda interesting experience for me. Thanks for feedback.