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today has been pretty productive! once again I didn't do what I said I would, and I was actually going to spend today playing other games for some inspiration as I'm still in the process of fleshing out the story. hah, I was so wrong thinking I would relax today cause I got some important things done and now have a better grasp on GDscript!

basically I got these things done:

  • Place holder title screen with working buttons that send one to the first scene (used the GDscript tutorial assets, but I can just add mine when I make the art)
  • A *mostly* working textbox

doesn't look like too much on paper, but they are both on my "things that will be really hard to make work" list so I'm quite proud! I was also working on a fade animation to switch between scenes, but I couldn't get It working so I will have to pick it up again another time.