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(1 edit)


*forgot to mention it but yesterday I also got some music+rain sounds with a license that lets me use it commercially or non-commercially which is perfect! I also drew out thumbnails for all the scenes that are kind of visual novel style, before the rpg elements come! its nice to have a reference for the script as well :D

I only got 3 hours of sleep last night then had to be out for 6 hours so I am super tired today. I tried to work a bit on the textbox and transition, but it wasn't going well and I wasn't vibing with the heat (pc is in a non-airconditioned room and it was 38c today-) so I decided to take today off as a break. especially because even though I know that I should, I don't mind if I don't have a working demo finished at the end of this jam. I'll work hard but I don't want to push myself if things just aren't working out and I'm tired! I will absolutely be back on the grind tmr tho hehe! 

I'm having trouble with Godot, as after a while of working on the project I can no longer run/play the game from the editor (you know how theres like a button in the top right where you can check if the code works, yea it just doesn't open another window). it says its running from there, but the only way I can test it is by closing the editor, reopening godot, then playing it from the page where you select a project. I'm using mac with godot v3.3.2 stable.official and Ive tried restarting my computer,  closing and reopening godot doesn't help, and this is gonna really make the process harder if it doesn't magically fix itself whilst I sleep-

i've asked for help once before but if anyone knows anything about this glitch or how to fix it I would really appreciate a message,,