Groovy tunes and charming art, but the gameplay could use a bit of polish. I feel the hitfreeze is bit too heavy and late, makes the punches feel too sluggish. The screenshake is also a bit heavy for my tastes, maybe a slider in the options menu?
Visually, the UI is very barebones for the most part compared to the artwork, it could use a few of those charming sprites in there.
Gameplay wise, just spamming punch in the earlier levels was my go to to win, but I liked the increase of difficulty later on, though I feel the AI should be allowed to throw things faster to force the player on the defensive.
Weirdly enough though, the later levels made my machine chug, which is weird for the seemingly low spec requirements.
All in all, charming, but it could use polish to match the quality of music and spritework.