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This was a very interesting game. Usually I don't like 3d created stuff but the themes. Taking prisoners, making use of them, diplomacy all are all rare and very fantasy fun to play out. Kinda wish Falda could have been captured given her being unconscious and Alem doesn't actually come with you but ah well I suppose this is still in it's infancy.

My only critique is the combat system, it's.. tedious if you don't want to kill them, which.. given the nature of the game you usually don't want to do that. Lots of save reloading.

I hope you explore more body types and ages (Above 18 of course) for the other queens, seems like potential for other 'races' too like orcs and such. Anyway really enjoyed playing through what you've done so far.


Thanks for all them kind words. The combat system is ridiculously simple, I'm just a dumbass for not explaining it better but I'll fix that. As for subdue attacks, in the next version they will cause normal damage but you'll take double in return if hit. Alternatively, I might implement Stamina in addition to HP so Subdue attacks will only reduce stamina. Feel free to drop by my Discord channel, I'm always there and I update on progress.

I mean the combat system is incredibly easy. They literally repeat the same number of moves each time, as long as you can count you can beat the game easily.


I wanted to introduce something not too frustrating but original, yet you'll be surprised at the amount of frustration this system caused some players.

In the future I intend to add some depth (not complexity) to it: magic charms that will allow you to some deal damage on a draw, creatures which change their attack patterns mid fight, healing, etc.

I honestly find the complaints confusing, I think they likely overcomplicate the system in their mind and so can't see past the dial. Also on that link, I wanted to note that I like the fact that even when the MC is described as a 'selfish bastard', you can choose to be honourable, or even almost abstain from sex in general and focus more on the management. Some games force you into being reprehensible and play it off as normal which I don't enjoy, so I'm glad you basically go "you're a prince so realistically you can do what you want, but that doesn't mean I'm not gonna judge you from my narrator box"