Thank you for the feedback!
The run speed has been reduced, glad it feels better now.
- The spikebuggles are like that on purpose, they don't mind Bun hopping on em but if she rides too long without moving they knock her off.
- No double jump when running is also intentional, as is the way to get around it as I thought it was funny so I left it alone.
- I actually meant to allow a jump when falling off a ledge but it broke when I changed how jumps work. I'll fix it!
- I thought I'd fixed the title issue, guess not. I'll look into it!
- Getting stuck on the bottom of ledges is a known issue with the walljump. I'm working on it. =)
- Same with running behind spikes. Or rather I knew it might be a problem as I forgot to calculate speed before collision for the wall spikes.
I'm looking into FPS fixes now. There's an oddity with animation speeds that needs fixing before I can get it working but it will be 60fps when everything is said and done.
Again, Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed it despite the issues. I'll get to fixing things for the next (possibly final) release. ^.^