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Very well done! Had a lot of fun with this. See the video for live reaction, but otherwise:

- the UI is very well done, professional quality. You are communicating the game ideas in such an intuitive matter. Screen shakes and subtle pauses are great, combo meter and health meter placement are good, sound is good for encouraging the right behavior

- I love games that are chaotic like this. You don't reward exact behavior , you subtly help the player. The rocket booster has a great level of "weight" to it with turnaround time, which feels really nice for the chaos

- combo meter is tuned well -- easy to start, right amount of difficulty to lose. Every time I lost a combo it felt like my fault, not the games

- The camera needs a bit of work. The player would constantly drift off screen, I would lose him. Also, during heavy explosions, the player would become lost too. Move his z-index higher in Godot and outline him in white pulsing outline so you never lose him.

Overall I had a lot of fun, this is well polished and very fun considering the art style. Would love to see more of this!

(2 edits)

hey, thanks so much for putting the time in to make this review. you've given me a lot to think about! and im glad you enjoyed!! something i plan on adding to address your comments on punishment vs reward is an "overcharge" when you go over your max health/"blood" which might be different things depending on passives/abilities/whatever i end up adding

P.S. - lock on was enabled the whole time :P you'll notice your cursor will sort of "stick" to enemies with the red box around them when you are boosting